
  • February 2025: One REU project “Automated Verification of Historical Map Translations into Vector-Based GIS Data” got selected for departmental support. Thank you CSE@UTA! And congrats Talia!
  • Janurary 2025: One paper accepted in FormaliSE 2025. Congratulations Ana and Mohammad!
  • December 2024: One paper accepted in LLM4Code 2025. Congratulations Sanyogita and Anahita!
  • November 2024: My first PhD student defended her dissertation! Congratulations Dr. Ana Jovanovic on successfully defending her dissertation titled “Improving the Accuracy of Software Models Using Refinement and Mutation Testing”
  • November 2024: Recipient of the UTA CSE department “Rising Star Research Award”
  • October 2024: Our invited paper “Mutation testing for temporal alloy models (extended version)” has been published in SySoM.
  • October 2024: Judge for HackUTA.
  • September 2024: Presented our paper at MODELS 2024.
  • August 2024: Our paper “Right or Wrong – Understanding How Users Write Software Models in Alloy” accepted into SEFM 2024.
  • June 2024: Our Seminar “Specification Engineering: Foundations for the Future of Software Development” has been accepted as a 5-day Dagstuhl Seminar. I’ll be an organizer along with Marsha Chechik, Eunsuk Kang, Shahar Maoz and Jan Oliver Ringert.
  • June 2024: One paper “AlloyASG: Alloy Predicate Code Representation as a Compact Structurally Balanced Graph” accepted into MODELS 2024.
  • June 2024: One paper “Does Every Computer Scientist Need to Know Formal Methods?” published in Formal Aspects of Computing.
  • April 2024: Invited speaker at the 2024 NSF CISE CAREER Workshop. Slides are up on the agenda for all of our CAREER Awardee Talks.
  • Feburary 2024: Gave a presented on CS vs SE vs CE majors and how to prepare before college at Digital Divas 2024.
  • Janurary 2024: One paper “ LLM4TDD: Best Practices for Test Driven Development Using Large Language Models” accepted into LLMCODE@ICSE 2024.
  • December 2023: I have received a NSF CAREER Award grant to work on integrating live programming practices into finite model finders with the aim to ease the burden of learning software modeling. Total: 525k
  • October 2023: Served on the “Blazing Bright: Faculty Impact To The Computing Community” panel and hosted the PhD Lightening Talks at UTA’s 50th anniversary event.
  • July 2023: One paper “Crucible: Graphical Test Cases for Alloy Models” accepted into ISSRE 2023.
  • July 2023: One paper “Live Programming for Finite Model Finders” accepted into ASE NIER 2023.
  • June 2023: Two papers accepted into MODELS 2023.
  • April 2023: Presented a talk Proofreading the Proofreader: The Benefits of Unit Tests for Software Models at Never Work in Theory 2023!
  • Janurary 2023: On maternity leave - baby Arcadia arrived on the 7th!
  • November 2022: One paper “Abstract Alloy Instances” accepted into FM 2023.
  • October 2022: I am chairing the search for 2 new software engineering faculty memebers. If interested, please apply here.
  • September 2022: Our recent NSF grant is being talked about in the media.
  • September 2022: Attend GHC 2022 with a cohort of 10 female computer science students from UTA.
  • July 2022: One paper “REACH: Refining Alloy Scenarios by Size” accepted into ISSRE 2022. Congratulations Ana!
  • July 2022: I have received a NSF CISE Core grant to work on incremental analysis of software models across their development, testing and synthesis. Total: 490k
  • March 2022: One paper “Towards Automated Input Generation for Sketching Alloy Models” accepted into FormaliSE 2022. Congratulations Ana!
  • Feburary 2022: Congratulations Anahita on getting her master’s thesis work written up in Wired.
  • Feburary 2022: Moderator for the `Career Paths in Computing’ panel at SCRF.
  • Feburary 2022: Panelist for `The Graduate School Experience’ panel at OurCS@DFW.
  • Feburary 2022: Hosted a workshop on z3 at OurCS@DFW.
  • Feburary 2022: Gave a presented on CS vs SE vs CE majors and on Career Paths in Computing at Digitial Divas.
  • Janurary 2022: Served on the ICSE Demo PC.
  • Decemeber 2021: Resha presented her work on current limtiations of automated repair tools at UTA’s UROP Fall semester wrap up.
  • October 2021: Presented our solution enumeration tool Hawkeye at ISSRE2021).
  • July 2021: One paper accepted into ISSRE 2021!
  • June 2021: One paper accepted into FSE Demo 2021. Congratulations Tanvir!
  • June 2021: I have recieved a NSF FmitF award to investigate improvements to Alloy’s scenario finding functionality.
  • March 2021: I will be a judge for UTA’s College of Engineering Innovation Day.
  • February 2021: I am a member of the Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) at UTA.
  • February 2021: I will be sitting on the “Career Paths in Computing” panel at the Student Computing. Research Festival (SCRF) cohosted by UTA and UNT.
  • February 2021: I will be sitting on the “The Graduate School Experience” panel at OurCS@DFW cohosted by UTA and UNT.
  • Janurary 2021: I will be offering a Workshop on Software Engineering vs Computer Science at the Digital Divas 2021 event.
  • Janurary 2021: I will be offering a Workshop on Z3 at OurCS@DFW cohosted by UTA and UNT.
  • September 2020: I am a member of the following Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) sub committees at UTA: BPC Student Awards, External BPC Conferences and K-12 Outreach sub-committees.
  • September 2020: Attending TAPIA as a volunteer for the UTA booth.
  • August 2020: I am the co-advisor for Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at UTA.
  • August 2020: One paper accepted into ISSRE 2020 “Fault Localization for Declarative Models in Alloy”
  • July 2020: I am Co-PI on a NSF MRI award to obtain equipment to facilitate research on the interaction between multiple autonomous ground vehicles. Total: 550k, My Share: 55k.
  • June 2020: Started working as an assistant professor at UTA.
  • May 2020: One paper accepted at ISSTA 2020 Tools and Demostrations Track “ProFL: A Fault Localization Framework for Prolog” - Congratulations George!
  • May 2020: Congratulations to Jasmine Mabrey for being given the “Outstanding Rising Scholar Award” by the graduate college at NC A&T for her M.S. Thesis work.
  • April 2020: I am Co-PI on a 20 member interdisciplinary team selected for NASA’s University Leadership Initiative. Our focus is on verifying the interaction between multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. Total: 8M, My Share: 635k.
  • April 2020: I have accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at UT Arlington starting in Fall 2020.
  • March 2020: Congratulations to George Thompson for being nominated by the Department Chair for NC A&T’s “Outstanding Thesis Award” for his M.S. Thesis work.
  • March 2020: Congratulations to Jasmine Mabrey (Automated Defect Classification using Machine Learning) and George Thompson (Towards Automated Fault Localization for Prolog Models) on their successful Master Thesis proposals! Proud of you guys!!
  • February 2020: I am a Performer on the Naval Research Laboratory project “Assured Development and Operation of Autonomous Systems (ADAS)” funded by the DoD Research and Engineering Modernization program. Lead PI: Constance Heitmeyer. Total: 45M, My Share: 885k.
  • February 2020: Lead organizer for the 2020 Triad Programming Contest.
  • Janurary 2020: Faculty advisor for the NC A&T student team competing in the 3rd Annual AMIE Design Challenge at the 2020 Black Engineer of the Year Award Conference (BEYA 2020).
  • December 2019: Participating in a female engineer focus group on how to prepare students for careers as researchers as part of an NSF Innovations in Graduate Education: Developing a Research Engineer Identity grant.
  • December 2019: Congratulations to Mr. Derrick LeFlore for his successful MS defense and congratulations to Mrs. Hanan Alshahr and Mr. Shannon Brown for their successful PhD and MS proposals respectively.
  • November 2019: Presented our paper “Solution Enumeration Abstraction – A Modeling Idiom to Enhance a Lightweight Formal Method” at ICFEM 19.
  • October 2019: Attended the 2019 Grace Hopper Celebration as a Faculty Scholar.
  • September 2019: I am the faculty advisor for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) NC A&T branch.
  • August 2019: Our paper “Solution Enumeration Abstraction – A Modeling Idiom to Enhance a Lightweight Formal Method” got accepted into ICFEM 19.
  • August 2019: I received an NSF FMitF award to continue work on verification and synthesis of Alloy models.
  • June 2019: The AutoDrive challenge team - Aggies Autonomous Auto - placed 2nd in the year 2 competition!
  • June 2019: Started summer employment at Google as a Faculty in Residence.
  • May 2018: Presented accepted paper “ARepair: A Repair Framework for Alloy” at the 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019).
  • May 2019: My proposal “Project Based Learning in the Teaching of Analysis of Algorithms” received funding as a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Fellowship under an NSF HBCU-UP ACE Implementation Project. Amt: $5000.
  • May 2019: I will be NC A&T’s Computer Science representative at Intel’s HBCU Consortium from July 16th-17th in Hillsboro, Oregon.
  • April 2019: I am now a faculty member of NC A&T’s Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity Research, Education and Outreach (CREO), focusing on collaborative research to apply formal methods to the cybersecurity field.
  • April 2019: I am the faculty advisor for the Girls Who Code Loops branch an NC A&T, which we just got chartered and will be active for the 2019-2020 school year.
  • April 2019: I co-hosted the Triad Programming Contest.
  • December 2018: Became the faculty advisor for the NC A&T student team competing in the 2nd Annual AMIE Design Challenge at the 2019 Black Engineer of the Year Award Conference (BEYA 2019).
  • December 2018: Graduated Regina Bunch. Master’s student. Project: Email for Autism.
  • September 2018: Joined the SAE International and General Motors co-sponsored Autodrive Challenge as a faculty advisor for the Functional Safety Challenge and the Mapping Challenge. This involves applying modeling and machine learning to verify autonomous vehicle systems.
  • August 2018: Stated working at North Carolina A&T State University